about maria
Practicing spirit warrior, shamanic practitioner & trance channeler
I am Maria Eleftheria, and I was born a traveler. Since birth I have walked between Worlds...
I grew up being able to see, hear, & feel energies in this realm & in others.
Now, I LOVE being a tour guide through the spirit realms, and sharing what your ancestors, your energy, and your soul story are communicating.
It lights me up to help others (re)connect with Creator, our spirit helpers, and our intuition. Especially, in ways that feel safe and loving.
So many of us have been cheated out of a healthy relationship with a higher power and with our own intuitive nature. If you have landed here then I trust you are already on the path of remembering. It is my greatest honor to be a part of your spiritual journey. Let’s activate healing together!
My focus is living and working to bridge the gap between our World and Spirit. My role is to be a conduit that God flows through in support of healing. I only help you to ultimately heal yourself and step into your own power. It is crucial now more than ever.
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More on my journey…
Much of what I share with others is informed by my past. I am Ikariotina by blood. Descended from a small island of Greek people that “live forever.”
The Greek women of my lineage have carried the gift of seeing and connecting with Creator for many generations. They graciously passed on many of the gifts and teachings I now share.
My soul ancestry transcends any one landscape (as does yours), but I have worked with the same spirit helpers/guides for many years now. They provide much support for us to retrieve your past lives, spirit guides, ancestors, and more.
No matter which healing modality is being shared, there is always a thread connecting us back to a place of remembering.
I’ve experienced challenges and trauma in my life just as you have. They affected how I moved through the World and what I thought of myself. I preached love and thought it emanated out of my being, but deep down I didn’t feel worthy of it.
It wasn’t until I began to look at my own traumas head on that I realized I was being swallowed by self judgment, self sabotage, and even self hatred.
The terrible things that had happened to me in my past were distorting and devouring my sense of self. I was experiencing paranoia, depression, and self harm.
So, at eighteen years old I began to journey beyond the spirit realms, and out into the World. I traveled for many years alone, living and learning to release my pain (a process I am still unraveling).
Over time, the clouds began to part and the light within me began to shine brighter. I realized it was my greatest wish to help as many people as possible to feel self love in place of self hate. To no longer feel alone.
Much of my work today is holding space for release and making room for love to flow unobstructed as we navigate this wildly messy human experience.
For most of my life, my work with Spirit was something I reserved only for me.
When I began my travels I had no idea that it would revive my soul and bring my offerings to life. I learned about meditation and breathing with Buddhist monks while living in Laos. I received Shamanic wisdom and healing while living on the island of Kaua’i. I began annual pilgrimages to the ancient lands of my ancestors in Greece.
These travels opened my eyes and healed my heart. I organically met teachers, mentors, and lifelong friends along the way that have guided me to this point on my journey.
After years of travel I settled back in my hometown to be my yiayia’s caregiver. I was blessed to live with her the last four years of her life and into her passing. This brought me to my knees and humbled me in ways I did not know possibIe. After she died, I navigated my grief through opening my voice. I started vocal training with a Sakha shaman from Siberia.
I am not a person with many certificates, but I have been privileged to witness and learn from many masters. I weave their teachings and my own intuitive channel together into one hollow bone.
I arrive a work in progress, but my true reclamation is having the opportunity to share what I have learned (and continue to learn) with others.
In deep reverence…
I am honored to support myself and others on this infinite path of love. I am blessed to continue the work of my ancestors: a path of connection to true self, to community and to creator. A path paved by generations of seers, channelers and medicine women from the islands of the Aegean Sea. The mana or energy that flows is far greater than me. As Fools Crow often said, “I am a hollow bone.”
I am forever grateful to all of my guides, power animals, ancestors, and teachers. I am especially grateful to my γιαγιά who taught me what it is to touch the soul of others, to pray and truly know God, and to love unconditionally; the ultimate form of healing. Without you, I would not be who I am in full expression today. Σε αγαπώ!