Sacred Sessions

Personalized healing sessions to help you remember, release & reclaim the wholeness of who you truly are.

“Maria is absolutely amazing. The wisdom and true insight she shared was LIFE CHANGING. She offered me a chance to delve deep within and get to know myself beyond this physical body. She helped me understand my path in this life and helped me open my eyes to my own self discovery and form a connection with myself that I was missing.”

- Jess


Trance Channeling

When we are at our most vulnerable moments we often wish we could receive direction from something greater than ourselves. Trance channeling lifts the veil to receive a direct transmission of guidance from the spirit realm. This one hour virtual session can provide answers to questions, retrieve past lives, connect us with loved ones who have crossed over, and more. Together we prepare specific questions/intentions and make space to receive divine guidance. I then connect with my trusted guides known as the Akash (a collective consciousness) that clarify and confirm whatever our soul is meant to receive and remember. This one hour session is recorded to look back on, and is packed with insights and reflections to support you on your path.

Sound Channeling

Sound channeling is something that has organically formed after years of offering soundbaths and energy readings. It is a great offering for curious beginners, seasoned practitioners, or anyone wanting to tune into their energy body because we are all made of frequencies. Waves of sound that exist in resonance with the World around us. Sometimes, these frequencies can become blocked or dissonant due to stress, trauma, life experiences, or environment. Sound bowls are a safe and supportive way of cleansing and resetting the nervous system while bringing the body back into a state of resonance. In this session we use guided meditation and gentle breath to drop into the body, and then activate all of the senses with medicine drum songs and crystal quartz sound bowls attuned to 432 Hz. Each bowl connects us to different chakras and energetic pathways within. As the bowls are played they inform me of specific energetic signatures existing within your body that want to be acknowledged and healed. Once the sound healing is complete I share what your auric field and spirit body were communicating through the sounds. This offering can be done individually, as a couple, or in small groups. Please reach out directly for pricing with more than two people.


spirit sessions & ceremonies

Spirit sessions create a space for us to (re)connect with creator and transmute stagnant energy into a free flowing frequency of love. These two hour ceremonies take place in person, and leave a lot of space for us to explore the activation of healing within the body. The veil is lifted for us to receive guidance in healing your auric field and to act upon that guidance in real time. Spirit sessions are specifically tailored to your soul story so each session flows with its own structure. However, channeling, energy work, and sound healing are always woven together to create a unique shamanic ceremony. This offering is meant for anyone who is feeling called to an activation of change whether that be greater self awareness, trauma release, the opening/closing of a cycle, or an overall sense of greater alignment. If you are curious about what kind of ceremony would best support your needs please book a discovery call and we can explore in more detail what the framework and preparation might look like.

space clearing

Physical spaces such as homes and businesses are beautiful containers for holding energy. This in-person offering allows me to connect with the energy of a physical space and the spirits of the land that space rests upon. I then create a ceremony for clearing any stagnancy, any residual energy of previous residents (living crossed over), and listening for messages from the land it rests upon. A space clearing is great for the buying or selling of a home, to shift any noticeable heaviness/stagnancy, to clear energy from anyone previously living in the space, and to invite in more energetic spaciousness, abundance, and protection. Please contact me directly as length of time, cost, and all other details are dependent upon the individual space and its specific needs.


group ceremonies & private events

Are you looking for a one of a kind experience to share with family, friends, or team members? Do you have an upcoming event that would benefit from a guided self care experience? If so then I am here to help bring this vision to life! We can focus on group energy readings/channeling, sound healing, sacred ceremonies, or all of the above. I work with your budget, your timing, and your overall intentions to create a personalized experience. A private event is great for baby blessings, bachelorette parties, celebration of life (integrating the loss of a loved one), family bonding, team building, girls weekend, couples date night, weekend retreats, and more. Contact me directly with details via email and we can create a unique experience for you and your community.

client testimonials

session faq

  • Each new in-person client must schedule a free consultation call. This is for both of us to develop a clear synergy before moving forward with any booking. A call is also helpful if you are unsure of which offering would support you best.

    If all feels in alignment after the call, you can automatically schedule the session of your choosing. Once you are booked, you will receive further pre/post session information (including payment, location, etc.) via email. If you feel called to a virtual session this can be booked without a consultation call.

    Please note the intention of these sessions is for you to receive healing and to actively participate in your own healing as well. I truly believe you are your own healer, and we will activate that energy together!

  • The best way to arrive for a session is with clear intentions and an open mind. What you experience depends upon what you are ready and willing to remember/release/reclaim. Anything that arises for you during or after a session will come from your own willingness. I do not provide any mind-altering substances as part of my offerings.

    In true healing, we receive what we need which isn’t necessarily the same as what we want. For this reason, any session can unearth an array of different emotions and sensations. Major energy shifts can occur during a session, immediately after, and in the following weeks/months. Physical, emotional, mental, and energetic releases often occur.

    During a session you may receive some of the following support (varies depending upon the specific type of session you book):

    Channeled messages from the Akashic records, connection/messages from loved ones who have crossed over, medicine song/chant, sound healing, trauma release, life force activation, soul retrieval, ancestral healing, connection with spirit guides, confronting conditioned belief systems, and changing old karmic agreements.

  • Ask yourself these questions:

    ⫸ Do you feel that it’s time to make changes and go deeper within yourself, but aren’t sure how or where to begin?

    ⫸ Do you feel curious about connecting to your ancestors, spiritual counsel/guides, personal gifts?

    ⫸ Do you find yourself in toxic relationships that you cannot seem to get away from or have removed a person, place, or situation from your life for the better, but find yourself thinking of them still?

    ⫸ Do you frequently experience challenging sensations such as anxiety, fear, overwhelm, feeling drained, racing thoughts, or emotional fog?

    ⫸ Do you battle with feelings of emptiness/loneliness or depression?

    ⫸ Do you find the feelings of agitation or anger to be a common occurrence in your day to day life?

    ⫸ Do you experience frequent moments of “freeze” or checking out of your present moment?

    ⫸ Do you battle with sleeplessness or insomnia?

    ⫸ Do you find it challenging to set healthy boundaries for yourself, to speak your truth, or to express your needs?

    ⫸ Do you crave distraction or numbness? (via netflix, social media, alcohol, marijuana, recreational drugs, etc.)

    If any of the above information resonates with you, it may be time to consider some type of shamanic healing session. Healing calls to everyone in different ways. Often, if you are feeling a pull towards shamanic healing it means the spirit medicine has already been activated within you.

  • All of my offerings are accessible to beginners as well as seasoned practitioners. To make the most informed choice, consider what your personal goals may be. The outcome from all of these sessions is deeper healing, but each path will have a slightly different spiritual terrain and require different types of physical commitment.

    ⫸ Sound Channeling allows us to connect with the nervous system and energy centers to reset the body. This approach is an effective way to gently receive healing and general guidance.

    ⫸ Spirit Sessions are led with an energetic reading and intention setting. This approach is best for releasing and healing something specific in your life and connecting with guides in the unseen realms.

    ⫸ Trance channeling is a session where we access an altered state of consciousness to retrieve and remember parts of the soul story. This can include connecting with ancestors, past lives, karmic patterns, and more.

    ⫸ Space clearing is great for offices, homes, or any physical space you are wanting to connect with more deeply. This is great to clear out old energy and connect with the spirit(s) of the space.

    If you are unsure which offering would support you best, we can make the decision together during a consultation call.

  • I do! Trance Channeling is my sole virtual offering, where we connect via Zoom for your session.

    At this time, the rest of my services are offered in person - based in Columbus, OH.

    As I wish to extend my offerings further across the globe, more sessions may become available virtually in the future. Stay connected via the Muse Letter (linked at the bottom of this page) and Instagram to be in the loop as these shifts occur!

It’s time to attune to the ancient wisdom of YOU.